[editor’s note: as soon as I informed Phil Rein about the situation, Mike Lopez was removed from LPAlliance, and his relationship with them has been terminated]
Over the past year, I’ve been hitting Libertarian Party corruption hard, largely aimed at leadership at the helm of the LNC. I’m an asshole chucking rocks from the sidelines, because to be frank, I’m an anarchist and I think there is no political solution. I’ve opposed the LP selling out to Trump, backing other fascists like Milei, suing some members, purging others, and firing more, because they did their jobs. I’ve opposed collusion and corruption, and I’ve helped Liberty Sentries uncover rampant fraud, and cultural corruption. I’ve done my diligence to oppose that which would compromise the libertarian principles, and either bring people over to principled anarchy, or at the least, make sure that those with the libertarian label are, well… libertarian.
But I’ve not always gone against the thoroughly corrupt Mises Caucus – the leading organization – and there are many members of it who are not corrupt, and who genuinely believe it’s the best vessel for liberty. Some of those people have been recently removed for the evil crime of talking to me, but there are some who weren’t yet. One of those people passed something along the chain to me so I could expose it, and for months, I’ve been poring over records, making sure I got it right, and planning a strategy.
Here’s some historical context, prior to this info being made available to me. I’m posting this so all potential biasing factors regarding this person are on the table, and so my demonstrable tendencies against the person in question are on the table. Tryna get some journalistic integrity up in this bitch.
See, in going against the Mises Caucus, there are people against them who have boosted my content at one or more points. Onesuch group was the Classical Liberal Caucus. A band of libertarians, some on the LNC and some not, who all have a problem with the current leadership, and want something different. A noble goal. But “noble goals” can attract ignoble people, and sometimes those with ignoble attractions.
Enter Mike Lopez. A guy who specifically sought out my content in hopes I would join the Caucus. Vice chair of the CLC. Manager of their social media. Mod in their Discord.
Now full disclosure, I had heard a lot about them, much with which I was not okay. Not the least of which is their early association with Project Liberal and member connections to the Liberal Party. I don’t like either of those organizations, due to their statist nonsense and endorsement of authoritarian figures. But let’s be super clear – I will work with nearly anyone if it gets me traction, and if they’re not somehow terrible, themselves. So “if this organization wants to do a coalition, let’s see how this goes”. That was my mindset. So I jumped in there.
Let’s just say… didn’t go well. Was jibing at first. But it didn’t take long for multiple arguments to break out, and for me to be silenced. The person who silenced me was Michael Lopez, who had decided along with the other admins I should be silenced for a day for the dastardly crime of saying someone should click a link before responding to me about it.
And this wasn’t the first friction between myself and him. Not gonna say I like the guy – I don’t. And that’s the reason I’m starting with this. Because I don’t want anyone over there tryna say the Real Reason™ I’m doing this is cause of stuff I won’t talk about. But until I messaged Mike I didn’t even check his username. That’s when something clicked.
PariahDog? I know this guy! We used to be mutuals on Twitter. Guess that’s how we knew each other, and why he followed my account and boosted it. The CLC account was an alt. But I filed that away and TBH didn’t think much of it. I just filed him in the ever-growing list of people who “couldn’t handle the hedgehog”. So I decided, fuck it. They wanna silence me, I won’t speak in there.
Enter LPAllies. A self-described coalition of LP members who want to reverse the Mises Caucus takeover. I was pitched it by Phil Rein, and joined as soon as I saw a link. And who was a mod there? Mike Lopez. Great – another place for me to be silenced. That was what I figured, but I proceeded anyway. And there were arguments. Because of course there were. I ain’t the easiest to get along with.
After one of them, in like December, I was sent through someone else some uh… information. The guy in question did not do it publicly, so I assumed he wanted me to come out with it all. But suffice it to say? Michael Lopez is likely on the sex offender registry for crimes involving children.
Note: when asked for a response, Phil questioned him -information independently verified matching this story led him to make the following statement:
“I took immediate action when made aware of the allegation. He is no longer in the server.”
The evidence is as follows…

I spent the last month and a half digging in, and the first thing I did was verify the information. For some of this, I verified the connection to his Facebook, where some of the evidence was. He owns the Discord account in question, as evidenced here. The Facebook also has the name PariahDog attached. Here’s a link to this post.
His voting records put onesuch man in Dayton Ohio, the location of his record. Same face. Even has the same red Ford Focus listed in the registry. Registered in Ohio, where he says he is – the flag of which is in his profiles everywhere.
So… this was already kinda enough for me.
But I kept going. I needed to know more. So I scoured his social presence, and remembered his old username, PDog119, on which we used to be mutuals. Fortunately, even though it’s suspended, it’s archived. So it was easy to track this down.
… and to see his pinned Tweet…
… leading to this article…
… an article which ends with the following policy prescription. Michael Lopez wants to abolish the sex offender registry.
I uh… wonder why that is. Could it be that this is why he was incarcerated for six years, and he doesn’t want anyone to know about it? Is that why he’s constantly talking about the FACT that he was incarcerated, and not WHY he was incarcerated? If he didn’t do anything wrong and that’s why he shouldn’t be on the registry, seems to me he would be upfront about the alleged crimes committed, and transparent about their nature. Why be shifty like this? Why dance around the issue, and keep hush about what was actually done? Why the secrecy, all while gettering deeper and more thoroughly involved in so many activist circles, poisoning them with this potential information bomb? Why not just make your case and tell us why we should still support you?
Is this why he hid his face here, behind a Spike Cohen cutout?
Or here?
Now full disclosure – I attempted to get information on the case itself, and hit like 50 dead ends. The process took over a month cause I’m taking this seriously, and also because I didn’t want to seem like I was just jumping on this outta petty revenge. So I wanted to know as much as possible before publishing. Recent events have spurred the source to go public, so fuck it, I’m coming out with what I have. I also personally called the Tennessee public records office, and had a conversation with a now-very-concerned woman who is not okay with how hard this information is to find. She told me I should ask the county where the incident in question took place, and I told her it wasn’t listed on the registry. She was very concerned about that, and said it was odd. She’ll be getting back to me with any new info she gets.
But suffice it to say, this is… concerning. My plan was initially to ask around, and broach this info with people on the CLC board, seeing if he filled em in on the nature of his incarceration, but now that this is just being busted out there? Here’s a post. I expect to be blocked or unfollowed by CLC on Twitter and banned from any space Mike controls, but the truth matters, and no one can say I jump guns and don’t do due diligence. Least not mosta time. There’s much more as well, and whole histories to scour on many websites, but today, this is what I’m releasing.
Let’s see where the chips fall…
And fall they did. The aforementioned questioning resulted in sharing this Reddit post.
There ya have it. He sexted a kid when he was 22, and now he wants the sex offender registry abolished. Take that as you will, but as for me, I’m glad to be able to shed light on as many people like this as possible. Guy doesn’t sound like he feels guilty at all, and if he did, that might at least soften my response, for for now, consider this notice. Also I’m already being accused of “doxxing” and I ain’t even shared this with many people. And he purged every Facebook post he has. Go figure.