Mike Lopez has a criminal record. Now what?

[editor’s note: as soon as I informed Phil Rein about the situation, Mike Lopez was removed from LPAlliance, and his relationship with them has been terminated]   Over the past year, I’ve been hitting Libertarian Party corruption hard, largely aimed at leadership at the helm of the LNC. I’m an asshole chucking rocks from the … Read moreMike Lopez has a criminal record. Now what?

The Dogma of LB Muniz – a response

The Dogma of LB Muniz - a response

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything on this site, and that’s a shame because I need to start updating people regularly. I even know some people who will be surprised to see something in their RSS subscriptions because they were subscribed to this site back when I was still active. Really, it’s just … Read moreThe Dogma of LB Muniz – a response

Veteran Omar Shafie is being trapped by army of cops #FreeOmar

Omar Shafie #FreeOmar

A man is being held in his house by 50 armed police officers or more. Allegedly, no warrants have been issued, and no charges have been filed. There is no reasonable suspicion that a crime has been committed, and the police have been lying since the beginning. This all started yesterday morning. The Washtenaw County … Read moreVeteran Omar Shafie is being trapped by army of cops #FreeOmar



#RethinkMalePrivilege – this International Men’s Day, I’m reposting one of my four year old Tumblr posts. Made this to highlight under-discussed mens’ issues. [1]  More men are raped in the US than women [2]  Expanded Homicide Data [3]  Suicide Statistics – AFSP [4]  Fewer Women Than Men Die of Work-Related Injuries, Data Shows [5]  Selective Service Systems > Registration > … Read more#RethinkMalePrivilege

Parler Review: It’s certainly a thing I guess.


Parler splashed into the drawers of every rightist netizen this week, as it squished its way into public favor with the endorsement by Trumpist acolytes everywhere. People are hailing it as a utopia of free speech and expression, and lauding its alleged censor resistance, despite no actual censor resistance being present on the site, and … Read moreParler Review: It’s certainly a thing I guess.

My exceedingly negative recordings on Unshackled Liberty

Unshackled Liberty

So this is my second appearance on Unshackled Liberty, and prob won’t be my last weirdly enough. But I thought I’d consolidate my appearances on this page, cause I know y’all are interested, and because it’ll make it easier to find em, if you just want to hear my negative ass. And if you want … Read moreMy exceedingly negative recordings on Unshackled Liberty

Short One: On Riding Ron Paul’s Coattails.

A lot of people want to ride Ron Paul’s career as their “credentials” for supporting liberty. Many of those people don’t really care what he says or why he said it. Because of that, they promote statist solutions while falsely claiming to support him, while ignoring what he said about the bugaboo.   “If anything, … Read moreShort One: On Riding Ron Paul’s Coattails.

I Interviewed Q_Abolitionist of Unshackled Liberty


Had a talk with Q_Abolitionist of Unshackled Liberty. We talked about his expulsion from his gun club, Hawaiian politics (and the response to the bugaboo), Christian anarchy, luaus, igloos, and the like. I put out the call on FB and said people interested should react to be notified, but I can’t notify 200+ people at … Read moreI Interviewed Q_Abolitionist of Unshackled Liberty

Weekly Hellscape 14: Resident Evil Edition

Resident Evil

So it’s been awhile. Since my last episode, Trump was impeached and acquitted, Epstein was jailed and allegedly died, cops killed like 500 people, the 5G dragnet started launching satellites and propaganda campaigns, potential war was instigated when Trump illegally assassinated an Iranian leader, leading to a unified Iraq and Iran, and the whole world … Read moreWeekly Hellscape 14: Resident Evil Edition