The Dogma of LB Muniz – a response

The Dogma of LB Muniz - a response

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything on this site, and that’s a shame because I need to start updating people regularly. I even know some people who will be surprised to see something in their RSS subscriptions because they were subscribed to this site back when I was still active. Really, it’s just … Read moreThe Dogma of LB Muniz – a response

Police Have Waged War On You | Exposing The “War On Cops” Myth

Police Have Waged War On You | Exposing The "War On Cops" Myth

Cops like Dominick Izzo and David Grossman are trying to start a war between citizens and government under the guise of those CITIZENS starting the war. I mean to destroy this illusion, and crush the myth of the war on cops. Police have waged war on you, and most people don’t even know, or they … Read morePolice Have Waged War On You | Exposing The “War On Cops” Myth

“Columbusted”: Responding To Knowing Better’s Dumb Columbus Video

Knowing Better is incorrect in naming his channel. Columbus was a genocidal, racist, religiofascist slavemaster, and no amount of “linguistic gymnastics” will save the vid I’m responding to from being absolute trash. In this video, I respond to all of this guy’s weaseling about Columbus, and respond to the people sending me the link to … Read more“Columbusted”: Responding To Knowing Better’s Dumb Columbus Video

Response To Biky: Anti-AnCoal Hoploo Fan

Meet Biky - Hoploo Fan

Browsing around yesterday, I got a notification saying someone had posted a comment on my AnCoal video. I was kinda hoping it would be negative, as the vid has an almost 50 percent dislike ratio. He didn’t disappoint, being the first person to actually post a negative comment. Sorta like how Hoploo was the first … Read moreResponse To Biky: Anti-AnCoal Hoploo Fan

Free Speech Absolutism: Some Replies

Free Speech Absolutism

So I’m an idiot sometimes, and I occasionally waste a large amount of time on social media. A good example of this is a recent row I got into with a “comedian” on Twitter, caping for the state against Count Dankula, or Markus Meechan. I support free speech absolutism, and mostly, this guy pissed me … Read moreFree Speech Absolutism: Some Replies

Chanty Morris Said Words About My Old Tweets

Being a professional Terrible Person, and a mandatory resident of 50 blocklists, as of today, I’d be remissed if I didn’t occasionally do my part to trigger the libs. And by that, I mean “post comments that get responses so long later that they were made when Twitter still had a 140 character limit”. And … Read moreChanty Morris Said Words About My Old Tweets

“Unleash The Cops”: Yes, Rothbard Really Did Mean It

I have so many irons in the fire that I seldom have the time to form any one of them. This is a flaw of mine, and one on which I’m constantly attempting to improve. Part of this flaw manifests itself in saying I’ll respond to something, and then not actually doing it. Well, no … Read more“Unleash The Cops”: Yes, Rothbard Really Did Mean It

On THOTs, Audits, Co-Opting, and the NAP

Thots and audits. And @TheGreatRoh!

So now that I’ve gotten (sort of) a rhythm responding to Twitter here (see this, this, this, and this) another fucking thing came up. This time, a new account is attempting to hijack ThotAudit to make it about Twitch, and others are going extreme on the issue. Debt is at record numbers, and the economy is … Read moreOn THOTs, Audits, Co-Opting, and the NAP

This is what the Libertarian Party should focus on…

Social media’s constrained, and often designed to gather enough info on something to get advertisers, but not enough to actually talk about something. I used to make long threads on places like Twitter, in an effort to convey my points outside a given limit, and I realized one day that I could just start a … Read moreThis is what the Libertarian Party should focus on…