Veteran Omar Shafie is being trapped by army of cops #FreeOmar

Omar Shafie #FreeOmar

A man is being held in his house by 50 armed police officers or more. Allegedly, no warrants have been issued, and no charges have been filed. There is no reasonable suspicion that a crime has been committed, and the police have been lying since the beginning. This all started yesterday morning. The Washtenaw County … Read moreVeteran Omar Shafie is being trapped by army of cops #FreeOmar

Police Have Waged War On You | Exposing The “War On Cops” Myth

Police Have Waged War On You | Exposing The "War On Cops" Myth

Cops like Dominick Izzo and David Grossman are trying to start a war between citizens and government under the guise of those CITIZENS starting the war. I mean to destroy this illusion, and crush the myth of the war on cops. Police have waged war on you, and most people don’t even know, or they … Read morePolice Have Waged War On You | Exposing The “War On Cops” Myth

Violent Vs Peaceful Revolution Debate | Jeremiah Harding Vs Kodi Ranting | Opening Statements

Violent Vs Peaceful Revolution Debate | Jeremiah Harding Vs Kodi Ranting | Opening Statements

Watch on YT: Watch on Bitchute: Someone challenged me to a boogaloo debate, so here I am, angry and ready to make you angry too. This is the opening statement from both myself and Kodi Ranting, and the rest can be found on the Dank Pod Stash YT where it was originally hosted. Go here … Read moreViolent Vs Peaceful Revolution Debate | Jeremiah Harding Vs Kodi Ranting | Opening Statements


Alex Booth | @Whiskey_Warrior_556

So I posted this a few days ago, but honestly forgot to push the transcript and sources to my site. This is that. Alex Booth hasn’t been proven to have done most of the things of which he was accused, yet social media rushed to convict him. Sounds like he could use some defense. Also, … Read moreALEX BOOTH | @WHISKEY_WARRIOR_556 – LIES DEBUNKED!

Quick Takes: “Kids Meet Convicted Pedophiles”, DEBUNKED

Fuck this image. Fuck every iteration of it. Why? Because after a simple Google search, I had “Kids Meet Convicted Pedophiles”, DEBUNKED – and it took seconds. Here’s what it looks like in reverse image search. WOW all these different people spread it – it must be true! WRONG! A little digging shows no such … Read moreQuick Takes: “Kids Meet Convicted Pedophiles”, DEBUNKED

Want Gun Rights? Shoot The Constitution.

Shoot the Constitution

So I get mad on the internet for a living, and one constant irritant is Constitutionalism. Yes, it’s good that the common Constitutionalist wants less statism than we have now – especially the most authentic variety who supports Ron Paul, and similar people. Those people have a vision, and it’s a good one. Still, there’s … Read moreWant Gun Rights? Shoot The Constitution.

Anti-Vaxx Suppression, Facebook Political Censorship, Police Brutality, and MORE!

The Weekly Hellscape

Sorry it’s late again – my fault. Shoulda recorded yesterday. But it’s here now, and even bleaker than last week! Today’s show has plenty to get your blood boiling, and no culture segment. Couldn’t ft it n and still address everything I needed to. So what does this episode have? Massacres, drones, Anti-Vaxx suppression, and … Read moreAnti-Vaxx Suppression, Facebook Political Censorship, Police Brutality, and MORE!