Pedos In Government, Economic And Ecological DISASTER, Nuclear War Posturing, and More!

The Weekly Hellscape

Flooding, economic catastrophe, pedo cops, and worse, get ready for an explosive episode sure to depress the happiest and anger the most peaceful. This season’s featured song is Sway, by Know Your Enemy – who graciously allowed me to use the song. It’s fucking criminal how unknown this band is. Go change that by liking … Read morePedos In Government, Economic And Ecological DISASTER, Nuclear War Posturing, and More!

No, Bitcoin Is Not Fiat Currency | WTF?

I guess we’re doing this. For some reason, using Google doesn’t do well enough for some people, and I need to write a thing on this. Given a conversation I recently had with some folks I normally respect, it’s become clear to me that this is a matter of undue contention. And yeah, I do … Read moreNo, Bitcoin Is Not Fiat Currency | WTF?

Establishment LIES About #CovingtonCatholic | Bluechecks Encourage VIOLENCE

Heated Tension - Media Lies | MAGA vs Native American Veteran

If there’s one thing you can trust the establishment to do, it’s lie. A rather disgusting example of this sort of lying is the case of the #CovingtonCatholic. If all you did was believe the mainstream media headlines, which are all screeching in unison against this child, you might get the impression that a howling … Read moreEstablishment LIES About #CovingtonCatholic | Bluechecks Encourage VIOLENCE

Facebook Censorship And Lies Continue With Ban Of Another Libertarian Page

Facebook can try, but we will make them fail.

I was just alerted to yet another case of Facebook censorship right behind an article I wrote yesterday on an anti-censorship Patreon alternative, so I figured it’d be a good followup to that to discuss FB’s banning of the Geeky Libertarian page for literally zero violations of TOS. To bring you up to speed, they’ve … Read moreFacebook Censorship And Lies Continue With Ban Of Another Libertarian Page