On THOTs, Audits, Co-Opting, and the NAP

Thots and audits. And @TheGreatRoh!

So now that I’ve gotten (sort of) a rhythm responding to Twitter here (see this, this, this, and this) another fucking thing came up. This time, a new account is attempting to hijack ThotAudit to make it about Twitch, and others are going extreme on the issue. Debt is at record numbers, and the economy is … Read moreOn THOTs, Audits, Co-Opting, and the NAP

Facebook Censorship And Lies Continue With Ban Of Another Libertarian Page

Facebook can try, but we will make them fail.

I was just alerted to yet another case of Facebook censorship right behind an article I wrote yesterday on an anti-censorship Patreon alternative, so I figured it’d be a good followup to that to discuss FB’s banning of the Geeky Libertarian page for literally zero violations of TOS. To bring you up to speed, they’ve … Read moreFacebook Censorship And Lies Continue With Ban Of Another Libertarian Page