The ChristChurch Massacre

The Weekly Hellscape

So this week ended in a specific variety of hell, and as a two-episode special, I’ll be hitting this hard. The Christchurch massacre was one where a right wing extremist decided to represent white culture the only way he knew how – gunning down 49 Muslims engaging in prayer. This is my take. His Manifesto … Read moreThe ChristChurch Massacre

BREAKING: PewDiePie YLYL Censored?

PewDiePie Censored 2

So I’ve been a daily PewDiePie viewer for years. Yes, I saw the one he included me in, as well (I stand by my statements there). But I got done with the video, and partway through, I realized something that probably isn’t true… it said “no views”. The statistical likelihood of me being the first … Read moreBREAKING: PewDiePie YLYL Censored?