Mike Lopez has a criminal record. Now what?

[editor’s note: as soon as I informed Phil Rein about the situation, Mike Lopez was removed from LPAlliance, and his relationship with them has been terminated]   Over the past year, I’ve been hitting Libertarian Party corruption hard, largely aimed at leadership at the helm of the LNC. I’m an asshole chucking rocks from the … Read moreMike Lopez has a criminal record. Now what?

Veteran Omar Shafie is being trapped by army of cops #FreeOmar

Omar Shafie #FreeOmar

A man is being held in his house by 50 armed police officers or more. Allegedly, no warrants have been issued, and no charges have been filed. There is no reasonable suspicion that a crime has been committed, and the police have been lying since the beginning. This all started yesterday morning. The Washtenaw County … Read moreVeteran Omar Shafie is being trapped by army of cops #FreeOmar

Yes, the state can take your guns if you use weed.

Yes, the state can take your guns if you use weed.

Weed is legal in Illinois now, in the year of Our Lord current. Just as it has happened, many times, in many states where similar legislation has happened, a ton of people celebrated as though they were free at last. But I’m the angry anarchist hair guy, and I can’t just let people enjoy things, … Read moreYes, the state can take your guns if you use weed.

Police Have Waged War On You | Exposing The “War On Cops” Myth

Police Have Waged War On You | Exposing The "War On Cops" Myth

Cops like Dominick Izzo and David Grossman are trying to start a war between citizens and government under the guise of those CITIZENS starting the war. I mean to destroy this illusion, and crush the myth of the war on cops. Police have waged war on you, and most people don’t even know, or they … Read morePolice Have Waged War On You | Exposing The “War On Cops” Myth


Alex Booth | @Whiskey_Warrior_556

So I posted this a few days ago, but honestly forgot to push the transcript and sources to my site. This is that. Alex Booth hasn’t been proven to have done most of the things of which he was accused, yet social media rushed to convict him. Sounds like he could use some defense. Also, … Read moreALEX BOOTH | @WHISKEY_WARRIOR_556 – LIES DEBUNKED!

Hey, Environmentalists: Activism Is Not A Product

Hey, Environmentalists: Activism Is Not A Product

I have a question – do you know how calories work? For the uninitiated, a calorie is a unit of measurement for the amount of energy contained in foods. And every calorie we use is converted at least partially into a carbon byproduct. It’s the reason people blame cows for climate change. People like environmentalists. … Read moreHey, Environmentalists: Activism Is Not A Product

Twitter’s Full Of Child Porn And Pedophilia Advocates – So I Started A Petition

Twitter Pedophile Child PornTwitter Pedophile Child Porn

I’ve been stressed and angry for about three weeks. I’ve lost sleep, had worse night terrors than I’ve had in years, had an anxiety attack, and barely left the house. Why? Because I decided to  go  down a rabbithole – and have seen things I can’t unsee. Not only that, but I found out that … Read moreTwitter’s Full Of Child Porn And Pedophilia Advocates – So I Started A Petition

CROSSPOST: The Financial System Is Rigged | #EndTheFed

The Financial System Is Rigged | #EndTheFed

This is a crosspost of a rant on why we should #EndTheFed that’s been pinned on my Twitter for two years. It’s very short. Feel free to share it around, with anyone you want to open their eyes. The Fed and Treasury exchange worthless loans. These loans become the currency you use. Then they claim that … Read moreCROSSPOST: The Financial System Is Rigged | #EndTheFed

No, Bitcoin Is Not Fiat Currency | WTF?

I guess we’re doing this. For some reason, using Google doesn’t do well enough for some people, and I need to write a thing on this. Given a conversation I recently had with some folks I normally respect, it’s become clear to me that this is a matter of undue contention. And yeah, I do … Read moreNo, Bitcoin Is Not Fiat Currency | WTF?

Establishment LIES About #CovingtonCatholic | Bluechecks Encourage VIOLENCE

Heated Tension - Media Lies | MAGA vs Native American Veteran

If there’s one thing you can trust the establishment to do, it’s lie. A rather disgusting example of this sort of lying is the case of the #CovingtonCatholic. If all you did was believe the mainstream media headlines, which are all screeching in unison against this child, you might get the impression that a howling … Read moreEstablishment LIES About #CovingtonCatholic | Bluechecks Encourage VIOLENCE