The Weekly Hellscape

So this is extremely late, and a long time coming, but as promised, here’s The Weekly Hellscape: Episode 1. My new podcast. Now, I’ll be submitting this to iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, Spotify, and everywhere else, but it’s ultimately up to them whether or not they accept it. I’ll keep y’all apprised. Somehow I doubt … Read moreTHE WEEKLY HELLSCAPE: EPISODE 1

CROSSPOST: MASSIVE Facebook Censorship Ahead Of Midterms – HUNDREDS Of Pages Unpublished!

Facebook Censorship

Originally posted to my Steemit four months ago. In a decent follow-up to my piece yesterday about how Facebook LIED me into a three day suspension for “hate speech” I committed none of, “Government Supporters: Facebook’s Protected Class”, Facebook has decided to do even more to prove me right about this, by CENSORING all the most prominent antigovernment pages in … Read moreCROSSPOST: MASSIVE Facebook Censorship Ahead Of Midterms – HUNDREDS Of Pages Unpublished!

“Unleash The Cops”: Yes, Rothbard Really Did Mean It

I have so many irons in the fire that I seldom have the time to form any one of them. This is a flaw of mine, and one on which I’m constantly attempting to improve. Part of this flaw manifests itself in saying I’ll respond to something, and then not actually doing it. Well, no … Read more“Unleash The Cops”: Yes, Rothbard Really Did Mean It

On THOTs, Audits, Co-Opting, and the NAP

Thots and audits. And @TheGreatRoh!

So now that I’ve gotten (sort of) a rhythm responding to Twitter here (see this, this, this, and this) another fucking thing came up. This time, a new account is attempting to hijack ThotAudit to make it about Twitch, and others are going extreme on the issue. Debt is at record numbers, and the economy is … Read moreOn THOTs, Audits, Co-Opting, and the NAP

This is what the Libertarian Party should focus on…

Social media’s constrained, and often designed to gather enough info on something to get advertisers, but not enough to actually talk about something. I used to make long threads on places like Twitter, in an effort to convey my points outside a given limit, and I realized one day that I could just start a … Read moreThis is what the Libertarian Party should focus on…

No, Bitcoin Is Not Fiat Currency | WTF?

I guess we’re doing this. For some reason, using Google doesn’t do well enough for some people, and I need to write a thing on this. Given a conversation I recently had with some folks I normally respect, it’s become clear to me that this is a matter of undue contention. And yeah, I do … Read moreNo, Bitcoin Is Not Fiat Currency | WTF?

Facebook Censorship And Lies Continue With Ban Of Another Libertarian Page

Facebook can try, but we will make them fail.

I was just alerted to yet another case of Facebook censorship right behind an article I wrote yesterday on an anti-censorship Patreon alternative, so I figured it’d be a good followup to that to discuss FB’s banning of the Geeky Libertarian page for literally zero violations of TOS. To bring you up to speed, they’ve … Read moreFacebook Censorship And Lies Continue With Ban Of Another Libertarian Page

Patreon Killers 1: Interviewing Johnathan Hales of BitBacker, A Crypto Alternative

BitBacker, Patreon

I had the pleasure of an email interview with Johnathan Hales, founder of BitBacker, and free speech advocate. Until I get my ass to Olympia, or move to LA, this will be my primary interview format. My internet here isn’t even internet, so I think obviously, I’m invested in earning money doing this. What concerns … Read morePatreon Killers 1: Interviewing Johnathan Hales of BitBacker, A Crypto Alternative

Another fucking website? You bet!

I’m Jeremiah Harding, and it’s [CURRENTYEAR2019]. If you’re here, you probably know me if you don’t, leave now – there’s still time! No? Still here? Fucking… okay, well then… Introduction I’ve been on the internet since my senior year of highschool. Not much to be said for my presence then though… although I did have … Read moreAnother fucking website? You bet!