CROSSPOST: Government Supporters: Facebook’s Protected Class

Facebook? More like... FaceNazi!

Originally posted to my Steemit, four months ago. Facebook banned me for three days because I opposed violent, blindly patriotic statists, accusing me of having engaged in “hate speech”. If that sounds absurd, stick around – I have receipts. On October 6th, 2018 at 3:07 PM, I’d just finished an amusing image – a word … Read moreCROSSPOST: Government Supporters: Facebook’s Protected Class

“Unleash The Cops”: Yes, Rothbard Really Did Mean It

I have so many irons in the fire that I seldom have the time to form any one of them. This is a flaw of mine, and one on which I’m constantly attempting to improve. Part of this flaw manifests itself in saying I’ll respond to something, and then not actually doing it. Well, no … Read more“Unleash The Cops”: Yes, Rothbard Really Did Mean It

BREAKING: PewDiePie YLYL Censored?

PewDiePie Censored 2

So I’ve been a daily PewDiePie viewer for years. Yes, I saw the one he included me in, as well (I stand by my statements there). But I got done with the video, and partway through, I realized something that probably isn’t true… it said “no views”. The statistical likelihood of me being the first … Read moreBREAKING: PewDiePie YLYL Censored?

Is A Blocklist The UK’s New CopBlock? Probably Not.

Nick Munroe Blocklist UK Censorship Police Twitter

I’ve been getting approached with some article ideas and things people wanted responded to, since I’ve started this site, and thanks hugely for that. It’s pushed me in directions that’ve kept things interesting, and novelty prevents insanity. Feel free to keep em coming! One of the ways I’ve been approached was someone who wanted to … Read moreIs A Blocklist The UK’s New CopBlock? Probably Not.

On THOTs, Audits, Co-Opting, and the NAP

Thots and audits. And @TheGreatRoh!

So now that I’ve gotten (sort of) a rhythm responding to Twitter here (see this, this, this, and this) another fucking thing came up. This time, a new account is attempting to hijack ThotAudit to make it about Twitch, and others are going extreme on the issue. Debt is at record numbers, and the economy is … Read moreOn THOTs, Audits, Co-Opting, and the NAP

More Twitter Censorship? Meet Alisa.


I plan to use this site for many things, but a thing it seems to be being very useful for is covering apparent politically-driven censorship. So today, a story just fell in my lap when someone in a thread I was in got banned today. I have two pieces I’m putting out tomorrow, but today, … Read moreMore Twitter Censorship? Meet Alisa.

This is what the Libertarian Party should focus on…

Social media’s constrained, and often designed to gather enough info on something to get advertisers, but not enough to actually talk about something. I used to make long threads on places like Twitter, in an effort to convey my points outside a given limit, and I realized one day that I could just start a … Read moreThis is what the Libertarian Party should focus on…

Meet A Blocklist | @net_crnet


Welcome to a series where I go over a blocklist I was added to, or one someone sent me! What is a blocklist, you ask? A blocklist is a thing primarily used by idiot cowards to remain both. It’s a way for a social media user on a site with API to use that to … Read moreMeet A Blocklist | @net_crnet

No, Bitcoin Is Not Fiat Currency | WTF?

I guess we’re doing this. For some reason, using Google doesn’t do well enough for some people, and I need to write a thing on this. Given a conversation I recently had with some folks I normally respect, it’s become clear to me that this is a matter of undue contention. And yeah, I do … Read moreNo, Bitcoin Is Not Fiat Currency | WTF?

Establishment LIES About #CovingtonCatholic | Bluechecks Encourage VIOLENCE

Heated Tension - Media Lies | MAGA vs Native American Veteran

If there’s one thing you can trust the establishment to do, it’s lie. A rather disgusting example of this sort of lying is the case of the #CovingtonCatholic. If all you did was believe the mainstream media headlines, which are all screeching in unison against this child, you might get the impression that a howling … Read moreEstablishment LIES About #CovingtonCatholic | Bluechecks Encourage VIOLENCE